
Collaborator: Sijia Zhong
Date: 2022 Spring
Location: Cambridge, U.S.
Material: Wood, Arduino, Pigment


很高兴和大家分享我们的项目 2022 Assembly 已被选为2022年Harvard Arts First Festival的最终提案,将于今年四月底落成并展出。在2022届毕业典礼之际,我们希望它能为经历疫情的几届学生们提供一个共享的时刻,以庆祝在这难忘的一年中面对孤立、分离和不确定性,为重建联系而付出的共同努力。

We are pleased to share the news that our project 2022 Assembly has been selected as the final proposal for Harvard Arts First Festival 2022. As part of the graduation event for the class of 2022, it offers a shared moment to celebrate the collective efforts of rebuilding connections in this memorable year of isolation, separation, and uncertainty. 

Arts First Festival是哈佛大学一年一度的公共艺术项目,由艺术办公室主办,在哈佛大学委员会的支持下为学校和公众提供演出与活动,成为展示艺术创作变化的窗口。

ARTS FIRST is Harvard's annual showcase of student and faculty creativity. Produced by the Office for the Arts, with support from the Board of Overseers of Harvard University, the festival is a public event with performance and activities, offering transformative windows into artmaking.

2022 Assembly 是一个追溯Harvard Yard时间维度变化的互动装置。行人的移动通过传感器转换为信号,以印纹的方式被记录下来,在装置表面形成年轮状的图案,不断叠加的纹路表现了环境中潜在的相关性。展览结束后,记录下轨迹的单体会被组装整合为一个雕塑,成为反映时间和身体运动的具象化空间。通过对瞬间的捕捉和对周围环境的呼应,装置为毕业生和参观者们提供了多种解读方式和互动体验。

2022 Assembly is an interactive installation tracing the temporal dimension of Harvard Yard. Passersby's movement will be recorded as color drops through marbling, creating a tree-ring-shaped pattern, which represents the correspondence in the environment. At the end of the exhibition, it will be assembled into a stack, which becomes a spatial embodiment of time. By capturing the transience, the semi-transparent piece makes the space around resonate and offers an interpretive experience for graduates and visitors.